ZIERSCH has been an expert point of contact for the development, production and distribution of highprecision grinding machines ever since the company was first established in 2006. Our efforts are primarily driven by ground-breaking grinding technology, and we have entered into absolutely no compromises as we pursue the development of a whole new generation of ZIERSCH grinding machines. ZIERSCH grinding machines provide forward-looking manufacturing solutions for both individual and mass production procedures. They are also an extremely effective option for universal grinding operations. Let’s take an example. We produce an extraordinarily comprehensive range of standard equipment that is able to cope with a wide variety of grinding sizes from 400 x 250 mm up to a maximum of 5,000 x 2,200 mm.

Breakthrough advances of the new FANUC ROBOCUT α-CiC series from PENTA TRADING
Precision grinding is essential in every area of industry. It is an indispensable aspect of tool making, mould construction, general engineering and automobile manufacture. For this reason, we are totally focused on ensuring that all the machines we produce are of the very finest quality. This approach extends right across the board. Customers know that the products they receive from us offer outstanding efficiency and maximum durability.
Sturdy cast iron
Sturdy cast iron execution of all machine components ensure maximum rigidity
Scraped and coated slideways are used in the longitudinal axis to provide effective damping and a high-quality grinding pattern.
Linear guideway systems
Vertical and cross axes are equipped with pre-loaded linear guideway systems.
Direct measurement systems by Heidenhain facilitate precise positioning – standard in the vertical axis (Y), option in the cross axis (Z).

Grinding range: 400 × 250 – 1 500 × 800 mm
Distance table to spindle: 540–600 mm
Table load max.: 250 – 1 600 kg

Grinding range: 1 500 × 1 200 – 5 000 × 2 200 mm
Distance table to spindle: 1 050 mm
Table load max.: 3 000 – 15 000 kg

Grinding range: 550 – 650 mm
Distance table to spindle: 600 mm
Table load max.: 500 – 1 000 kg

Center height: 155 mm
Max. grinding diameter: 300 mm
Max. grinding lenght: 600 – 1 000 mm
Bruska na plocho ZIERSCH 715
Bruska na kulato ZIERSCH ZR1000
Portálová bruska na plocho ZIERSCH 1540